Spotlight: Roman Chamomile

ROMAN  CHAMOMILE  is more than just a great flavored tea. While it does have a wonderful, soothing scent, it is also a great support for the skin and immune system. Below are some highlights about this beautiful essential oil. Highlights about Roman Chamomile Can promote feelings of comfort when needed Is …


What would it take to love and fully accept yourself for who you are? If you are like many others, total acceptance of self can be a difficult thing to master. A lot of us struggle to embrace all aspects of who we are, and can you blame us?  We …

Spotlight: Breathe Vapor Stick

BREATHE VAPOR STICK A couple weeks ago I wrote about feeling under the weather in the distant past and using On Guard Throat Drops for relief.  After saying that it had been so long since I was really truly unwell, I came down with something unspeakable.  It was as though writing about it actually …

Spotlight: Wintergreen Oil

W I N T E R G R E E N Wintergreen is a refreshing aromatic stimulant that many are familiar with in over the counter muscle pain reliever creams. It has also been used for some respiratory conditions. Minorities of people have found it eases discomfort mildly helpful against …

Spotlight: Clove Oil

C L O V E For Most of Amaris’ life, she played basketball and she was very, very good.  Playing all through elementary school, middle and high school gave her skills that awarded her full and partial scholarships to college where played for four years like a beast. During one game, she and another player collided …

Spotlight: Melaleuca

M E L A L E U C A Melaleuca oil, sometimes known as ‘tea tree’ oil, is derived from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a species of tall shrubs found in Australia.  It has many different medicinal purposes, from skin care to bolstering the immune system. M. alternifolia has …